Sunday, November 22, 2009

U2 now officially has sexy boots

The Edge deserves to have his fingers chopped off for choosing that name - I mean srsly, how bad can his real name be?! David Evans. What's wrong with that? Anyway, apparently earlier this year they decided to jump on the Justice bandwagon. Ok, they were a little behind, or maybe they just couldn't figure out what song to have remixed. I'm not a fan of U2 if you hadn't guessed; I mean, they're just one of those bands that have been around forever and when you're sitting at a bar and one of their tunes comes on, you're like, "Oh! I like this song, what is it?" Then it sinks in - it's U2 and you're just a little embarrassed and disappointed. I think I just love to hate that band, and I totally don't own any of their stuff. A) I'm not sure most of their songs are worth trying to remix B) Do Justice not have anything better to do with their time? It's a weird remix, but I don't pretend to be familiar with the original. The track is actually pretty catchy though. I'll let you decide for yourself....

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